Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some Mauritania Pics

!!CAMEL BURGER!! This baby, believe it or not, is very tasty.
Thats me inside of a big sand dunne in Guerrou. I'm definitely going to Sandboard
This is the group of PCV Mauritania 2008-2010 . This picture was taken in the Atlanta Airport before we departed to Dakar Senegal.
Andrea is the current PC volunteer in Guerrou and a great person. I'm going to be working with her the next year promoting Girls Education and Empowerment.
And this is the main reason why I'm here at Mauritania: Girls Education. This is the group of girls that Andrea recruited at Guerrou. THEIR AWESOME.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey retard it's they're, not their. How can you even teach them English if you don't know it. Dedede.

Mugre sope renacuajo.